About Us

TKTX China Manufacturing Co., Ltd. official website
So far, TKTX is still the best tattoo anesthetic in the world, no matter which country/region you are in, you can find it in a tattoo shop.
TKTX was born in 1996. It originated in China's reform and opening up period and has a history of 25 years.
When the port trade in the southern coastal city brought European tattoos and permanent makeup techniques, people quickly developed a sense of obsession, but could not stand the pain of skin piercing.
Therefore, TKTX company keenly discovered the market demand, began to study topical anesthetics, and finally named it "TKTX". Due to the excellent anesthetic effect of TKTX, it was quickly accepted by overseas Chinese who frequently travel to Southeast Asian countries (Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam) and brought to overseas sales. Since then, the reputation of TKTX has spread widely.
Disclaimer: TKTX China manufacturing plant only engages in international bulk wholesale trade, and has never established an online retail or wholesale business website in other countries or regions.
Usually, TKTX China manufacturing plant will issue "Sale Authorization" documents to distributors to prove the source of their products.
No matter which way you order TKTX, please ask the seller to show the "Sales Authorization" document issued by the TKTX China manufacturer to prove that the relevant products originate from the TKTX Chinese manufacturer.